Monday, April 17, 2006

Michelle, My Belle

Over at, Andrew Sullivan has taken a few days off from his now-predictable drain circling to allow some substitutes to post in his place. One of those substitutes, think it's Tractenburg, who played Buffy the Vampire Slayer's little sister (and what a fine, adorable little job she did, sprinkle of freckles across her button nose and all) wonders "why Democrat/liberal types seem to freak out over hypocrisy more than their conservative counterparts?"
Well, gosh, maybe it's because those Dem/lib types are just more highly attuned to detecting or just engaging in a wholesale inventing of hypocritical behavior to attribute to those on the other side of the political spectrum? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of liberal neighbors who own SUVs and I need to stop them from smashing in the windshields, spraying the interiors with kerosene and setting them on fire in order to avoid rents in their moral fabric...

Who did you bl*w in the war, Mommy?

The always classy Nina Burleigh offers this carefully considered look at the way we live now. What a life: half the year or so in Paris and the other half in upstate New York, pretending that one lives in Nazi Germany. Here's a suggestion: take life lessons from your child, you helium head: he seems to have more of a sense of proportion. (Note: the title of this post derives from Burleigh's infamous reaction to the Monica Lewinsky scandal. As any soul can tell, the entrance exam for the MSM includes a bar that isn't set very high).

Saturday, April 15, 2006

One Long, Sustained Whatever From Maryscott O'Connor...

...And don't "long" and "sustained" mean pretty much the same thing?
And shame on the Washington Post's photographer, taking photos during this story on lefty blogs. I mean, look at the picture accompanying this article.
It should be obvious that this bathrobe-clad Thomasina Paine, in mid-rant, was about to reach the point where some particular vein was throbbing along the ridge of the forehead and one of the eyes was about to start moving independently of the other; maybe towards its twin, maybe away, in a most eccentric orbit. And the hapless photographer missed it! Such an opportunity lost! Well, anyway, she wrote a post about Darfur and a few dozen other impotent loons with poor-to-middling communication skills chimed in with comments. At least that really makes a difference to those suffering in Darfur.
A very sad and very, very pathetic picture it paints. Hope to revisit this tomorrow and plumb its depths...